Saturday, January 1, 2011


OMG!! it was the best day of my life!
dancing with hot guys all around!
damn man!!! WHOA!
they were like whoa and i was like argghh!
best gile sial!
2 and a half hours dancing none stop.
imagine that yaww!

then when the count down starts,
prem from FLY FM said 
"whoaa! happy year all!! you guys should give a kiss
to everyone all around you"
then everyone pulled someone and kiss them on the cheek.
including me! i was at the front row on the left side.
then they pulled me and giving kisses and hugs till i was 
on the right side at the back.
imagine how many people hugging me?
i also don't know.
damn man! ewww they were sweating and damn wet,
and they were like sardin there.
it smells like my brother's underwear.
but i had a blast!!
even though i cant call anyone cause my phone was with someone,
and didn't meet a lot of friends.
but its okay it was totally awesome!

then i found my sayang! PETAK!!! 
awww, lame gile taa jumpe. 
then dapat gak jumpe and hug dea kuat kuat!!
petak pun join dancing with me.
best gile!!! then dea stop suddenly ,
wan ask him why ?
he said "rambut dayang ni kacau!"
ahaha! kesian petak .
i love you PETAKK!

then ade gak yang maen pisau.
bodoh gile!! 
but im not sure if someone was hurt,
coz it was so pack i cant see a thing.
they were moshing with knife
the most stupid thing ever!
lagu bukan nye heavy metal tapi pegi moshing.
bapak bangang!
hahaha :)

banyak gile cute guys!!
every were all around everyone was damn cute!!
this is why i like to be single!
i can do what ever i want!!
i can dance with anyone i want!!
i cant flirt with everyone i want!!
best gile best gile!!!

i cant tell how i felt last nite.
it was so awesome i cant even tell .
sape yang tade semalam mmg rugi gile!!!
bangun tadi pagi pinggang sakit kaki pun sakit gile!!
argghhh! won't forget this!!
it was OFF THE HOOK!!!

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