Monday, January 3, 2011

sabah ?

ohh sabah ? hmm,
its been canceled last tuesday.
well actually my dad didn't say a word.
but its okay if he keeps quite it means NO .
hmm so sad :(
but fine if i fail my papers this year i'll blame him!
haha *evil 
but i cant blame him cause he's not the one who is studying rite?
im the one who's studying so im the one who
has to do it rite.
cant blame him for not giving me to stay at sabah.
its my fault if i fail :(
i was hoping to live there to focus on my studies 
ehemm ehem! poyo en?
hahah but thats true :)
thats the reason why.
so in that case i just need to focus on my studies here
here where? here in HELL!!

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