Friday, January 7, 2011

happy ending ?

theres no such thing as happy ending.
its just bullshit.
they say there will be happy ending for everyone.
thats just a lie.
ain't no such thing as happy ending
stupid asshole!
but there is war ending :)
war ending is not bullshit ,
its true :)
theres more fight then happy happy :P
trust me! 
but if theres an happy ending for me,
wow! i'd be glad :)
im tried of fighting and angry all the time.
for once in my life i just wanna have something 
good, clam, happy and glad.
maybe theres one thing that will make me feel those things,
its sending me back to sabah.
i think thats my happy ending.
but its not happening :(
arghhh i have to find another thing that will make me happy .
but everytime i found it.
it doesn't stay. its just for a while.
i want something that stays :)
but i guess there nothing in this world that stays.
everything will go away or run away.
thats just the game of this world.
everyone must get use to it
or not you'll be in trouble :)

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