Thursday, January 6, 2011

everything change :(

everyone change in every second 
and if everyone change everything will change too.
that sucks !
this is the little thing in my life that i hate the most.
i hate when something change.
makes me feel like shit.
and when not knowing why IT change,
whoa thats a great feeling.
it makes me crazy for not knowing why.
and i hate when i ask why they say
ohh its nothing or ohh you don't have to know.
what the f ?! 
its nothing ? its not nothing !
this is part of my life and you're saying its nothing?
i do have to know?! what do you mean "you don't have to know"

if you guys change don't ask me
why i change too.
you guys were the one who wants to change everything.
and if you wanna leave me,
just tell me. you don't have to use this as an excuse
or saying that i don't care about you anymore.
you don't know anything so shut up.
if this what you want ,
then fine if this is your wish then i will commend .
just don't blame me anything .
blame it on your self !

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