Tuesday, December 28, 2010

shopping !

    shopping 27/12/2010 :)
arrgghh it was very tiring !
from ampang to mid valley
from mid valley to times square 
from times square to sungai wang
from sungai wang back to times square 
and from times square to ampang ALONE !
i haven't sat even for a while well i did sat on the train and the bus.
but that doesn't count :) 
my legs was in PAIN!!
i've been walking and walking and walking.
and FYI i didn't even slept that day.
i travel so far just to find a cute beg.
hahaha. and yes i'd found one!
and the best thing IT WAS ON SALE!!
aarrggghhh! i know! 
its all worth it! the pain, the tiring , the swollen at my feet .
i got what i want and im damn happy!

i was damn tried !
when i was on the bus on the way home,
i slept like i haven't slept in days!!
and my head was on the aunty's shoulder
the one that was sitting next to me.
yeah i did realize that my head was on her shoulder.
but i was so damn sleepy so i just leave it .
eww, there must be many germs on her.
YUCK ! haha !
well as long as i got what i've wanted i don't care
about ANYTHING :)

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