Wednesday, January 12, 2011

remember this thing !

theres only 2 things that is damn important
it is to GIVE and TAKE .
in life if you just take take and take
but you never give,
it means you are such an ASS !
you cant just take but never give,
thats so selfish you know!

i notice that in this world i know lots of
people that only 'take' but never 'give'
its not that hard to give back.
'give' doesn't mean that you have to give 'things'
it means a lot of things.
its hard to give an example 
it have a lot of meanings but
if you don't understand its okay thats fine but
please try to understand it.
its quite important !!!
cause people will think that you're such a jerk 
if you never give back.

people will fed up with your attitude 
that never gives back.
tak kan laa nak orang jea give and they 
never been give back kan kan ?!
orang pun nak 'take' 
sampai bile lak dorang nak 'give' jea.
rite rite?!
if you were the one that have to give
but never take, 
how do you feel?
of course you will feel like shit.
am i rite ?
so all of us must give too.
don't just take thats stupid!
remember!!! GIVE BACK OKAY!!!

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