Sunday, January 30, 2011

Raining :)

rain rain rain,
heal my heart that is broken apart,
rain rain rain,
up above from the skies,
rain rain rain,
pour here and clean my soul,
rain rain rain,
there will be rain here, there will be rain there,
rain rain rain,
wash away my pain,
rain rain rain,
wash away my dept to pay,
rain rain rain,
so tired i felt like wash away my guilt,
rain rain rain,
i will do anything for you to cover all
my tears of shame :'(

Friday, January 28, 2011


GLEE! i love glee!
im a GLEEK!!
totally obsess with them!
ohh puck! you are cute like hell.
going crazy everytime i think of you !
handsome handsome!
i looooovveeee gleeeeeeeee~

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Turn around 
Every now and then I get a 
little bit lonely and you're never coming around 
Turn around 
Every now and then I get a little bit tired of 
listening to the sound of my tears 
Turn around 
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous 
that the best of all the years have gone by 
Every now and then I get a little bit 
terrified and then I see the look in your eyes 
Turn around bright eyes 
Every now and then I fall apart 
Turn around bright eyes 
Every now and then I fall apart 

And I need you now tonight 
And I need you more than ever 
And if you'll only hold me tight 
We'll be holding on forever 
And we'll only be making it right 
Cause we'll never be wrong 
Together we can take it to the end of the line 
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time 
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark 
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks 
I really need you tonight 
Forever's gonna start tonight 

Once upon a time I was falling in love 
But now I'm only falling apart 
There's nothing I can do 
A total eclipse of the heart 

Once upon a time there was light in my life 
But now there's only love in the dark 
Nothing I can say 
A total eclipse of the heart 

And I need you now tonight 
And I need you more than ever 
And if you'll only hold me tight 
We'll be holding on forever 
And we'll only be making it right 
Cause we'll never be wrong 
Together we can take it to the end of the line 
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time 
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark 
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks 
I really need you tonight 
Forever's gonna start tonight 

Once upon a time I was falling in love 
But now I'm only falling apart 
There's nothing I can do 
A total eclipse of the heart 
Turn around Bright Eyes


i love BOB MARLEY!!!

and so as ELVIS PRESLEY 
and my beloved MICHAEL JACKSON

this people !
this people above,
they are legend !
BOB MARLEY the king of REGGAE!!
all of their songs rock the world!
you guys wont be forgotten .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

miss you :')

wondering what are you doing,
wondering how are you feeling,
wondering everything you do,
i do miss you :(
a buzz from you makes me smile widely :D
but when it ends hmm.
sorry because i hurt you.
thank god your still contacting with me.
i really like you ,
but it doesn't go further then that.
i love when we spend time together.
and i hope in future it will happen again.
and i hope you wont ignore me.
jngn laa jngn laa jngn laa!!!!
I MISS YOU my widower~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

IACT College !

gile best pergi open day IACT today!
hensem hensem belaka!
well, i found what i've been looking for .
getting broadcasting in iact college 
in another 3 years .
yeah i know lama lagi.
its okay !
this is an early research .
and i now this is what i want.
i dont want to take mass com.
there's writing !
i hate writing !
but if i take broadcasting,
i just learn about editing , media and
 those kind of thing.
its more fun then mass com i guess
yes broadcasting is under mass com's umbrella ,
and its not wide like mass com.
but i like broadcasting more.
i dont know why.

when we went for a tour in their campus ,
damn best gile pegi dea punye 
recording studio, editing room, library, and bnyak laa.
sume cantek cantek room dea!!!
and most of all!
everyone there was so friendly.
the tour guy was cute.
and the other guy was awesome!
i love his hair.
and the other student that was at the waiting room.
comel gilaaaaaa!!
but sayang,,
when i apply there dorang daa habes study :(
hahaha. bodoh gila!!
cantek laa iact !
nak masuk nak masuk!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

encik duda ku :D

haishh ,
thought you'd never talk to me anymore !
aaahhh thank god you SPEAKKK!!!
i miss you since
3 days not contacting !
when you im-ming me
mesti gaduh jea !
and just now we text taa gaduhhh!!!
everytime my phone rings
i thought it was you but its not.
break down thousand times!
then suddenly you replied me!!
but you were kinda shit at first
and i talk nicely and you were nice too!!!
aww, i hurt you so bad and you still be nice to me .
thanks dear!!
and yes i do like to stand in the rain
with you again next time .
hee~ CANT WAIT!! 
and you CANT pure mud on me 
like you did last time!
kotor laa gila!!
disgusting, bweekk!
well , please dont ignore me again!!
if you do i'll wont coax you again!


your the analyst ,
the fungus in my milk ,
when you want no one ,
and you've got someone ,
through the wind you crawl ,
and laugh at burning dunes ,
when no one else will ever see ,
now that you know why you feel like you do ,
their turning their head ,
whilst they wait for no one ,
and finally i know 
why you feel like letting go :(

im watching you watch over me ,
and i've got the greatest view from here ,

Sunday, January 16, 2011


DADDY!!! i want this acer notebook!!
please please please!
with a cherry on top!!!
im turning 15 and i need this kind of things.
please please please!!
i wont ask anything else!
just give me this notebook 
then i'll be happy forever!!
if you cant buy this on my birthday its okay
but please get this for me!!
please please please!!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

the perfect guy :)

find a guy that calls you 
beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and hear your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to see you sleep,
wait for a boy to kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you of to the world
when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks your just as pretty 
without any make-up on.
one who is constantly reminding you of how 
much he cares and how lucky he is to have you,
the one who turns to his friend and says,
thats her....

damn if you guys found a guy 
with this attitude 
OMG you guys are so lucky !!!
p/s : don't let him go if he is like this :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

remember this thing !

theres only 2 things that is damn important
it is to GIVE and TAKE .
in life if you just take take and take
but you never give,
it means you are such an ASS !
you cant just take but never give,
thats so selfish you know!

i notice that in this world i know lots of
people that only 'take' but never 'give'
its not that hard to give back.
'give' doesn't mean that you have to give 'things'
it means a lot of things.
its hard to give an example 
it have a lot of meanings but
if you don't understand its okay thats fine but
please try to understand it.
its quite important !!!
cause people will think that you're such a jerk 
if you never give back.

people will fed up with your attitude 
that never gives back.
tak kan laa nak orang jea give and they 
never been give back kan kan ?!
orang pun nak 'take' 
sampai bile lak dorang nak 'give' jea.
rite rite?!
if you were the one that have to give
but never take, 
how do you feel?
of course you will feel like shit.
am i rite ?
so all of us must give too.
don't just take thats stupid!
remember!!! GIVE BACK OKAY!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

happy ending ?

theres no such thing as happy ending.
its just bullshit.
they say there will be happy ending for everyone.
thats just a lie.
ain't no such thing as happy ending
stupid asshole!
but there is war ending :)
war ending is not bullshit ,
its true :)
theres more fight then happy happy :P
trust me! 
but if theres an happy ending for me,
wow! i'd be glad :)
im tried of fighting and angry all the time.
for once in my life i just wanna have something 
good, clam, happy and glad.
maybe theres one thing that will make me feel those things,
its sending me back to sabah.
i think thats my happy ending.
but its not happening :(
arghhh i have to find another thing that will make me happy .
but everytime i found it.
it doesn't stay. its just for a while.
i want something that stays :)
but i guess there nothing in this world that stays.
everything will go away or run away.
thats just the game of this world.
everyone must get use to it
or not you'll be in trouble :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

everything change :(

everyone change in every second 
and if everyone change everything will change too.
that sucks !
this is the little thing in my life that i hate the most.
i hate when something change.
makes me feel like shit.
and when not knowing why IT change,
whoa thats a great feeling.
it makes me crazy for not knowing why.
and i hate when i ask why they say
ohh its nothing or ohh you don't have to know.
what the f ?! 
its nothing ? its not nothing !
this is part of my life and you're saying its nothing?
i do have to know?! what do you mean "you don't have to know"

if you guys change don't ask me
why i change too.
you guys were the one who wants to change everything.
and if you wanna leave me,
just tell me. you don't have to use this as an excuse
or saying that i don't care about you anymore.
you don't know anything so shut up.
if this what you want ,
then fine if this is your wish then i will commend .
just don't blame me anything .
blame it on your self !

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

dinner dengan orang besar :D

dinner dengan boss lama and one of his employee mike :)
makan kat taman cahaya seafood nong and ape tah :)
whaa! best gile bile dengar angah *my ex-boss ckp
'kerang bakar satu!' tersenyum lebar!!!
well, obsess dengan kerang bakar ken.
so tuh laa cam tuh :D
kite orang oder
kerang bakar, cakoy, sayur ape tah, ikan siakap masak chili,
seafood tom yam , nasi putih and nasi goreng.
kenyang gile!

then on my left side theres like this,
tempat bakar kerang en dorang ade bakar ketam gak.
then kebetulan i turn my head facing the cooking area
they were burning the crabs ALIVE !!!
OMG! i was shock! 
poor them :(
kaki dorang gerak2 mcm nak lari laa.
but taa buleh coz dorang daa tebalik.
kesian gile but taa mkn pun dorang.
ee! SERAM!

then it was about 9o'clock 
 dorang naa tngk wayang pulak.
then i said i have class tomorrow then dorang ckp,
taa lame pun cite 2 jam jea,
hmm. so i said okay fine!
HEHE, then dorang naa tngk THE TOURIST !
terus ade semangat! haha :)
then cite start kul 10.30.
lame gile. then masuk masuk jea baru tngk 
stengah jam daa tidur.
hahah! bodoh gile
maklum laa selalu tidur awal en :)
then bangun2 jea daa kul 12 and daa habis :)
cite dea 1 jam stengah jea and TAK BEST!
caye laa taa best langsung.
cite slow naa mmpus .
jngn tengok membazir jea.

Monday, January 3, 2011

sabah ?

ohh sabah ? hmm,
its been canceled last tuesday.
well actually my dad didn't say a word.
but its okay if he keeps quite it means NO .
hmm so sad :(
but fine if i fail my papers this year i'll blame him!
haha *evil 
but i cant blame him cause he's not the one who is studying rite?
im the one who's studying so im the one who
has to do it rite.
cant blame him for not giving me to stay at sabah.
its my fault if i fail :(
i was hoping to live there to focus on my studies 
ehemm ehem! poyo en?
hahah but thats true :)
thats the reason why.
so in that case i just need to focus on my studies here
here where? here in HELL!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


OMG!! it was the best day of my life!
dancing with hot guys all around!
damn man!!! WHOA!
they were like whoa and i was like argghh!
best gile sial!
2 and a half hours dancing none stop.
imagine that yaww!

then when the count down starts,
prem from FLY FM said 
"whoaa! happy year all!! you guys should give a kiss
to everyone all around you"
then everyone pulled someone and kiss them on the cheek.
including me! i was at the front row on the left side.
then they pulled me and giving kisses and hugs till i was 
on the right side at the back.
imagine how many people hugging me?
i also don't know.
damn man! ewww they were sweating and damn wet,
and they were like sardin there.
it smells like my brother's underwear.
but i had a blast!!
even though i cant call anyone cause my phone was with someone,
and didn't meet a lot of friends.
but its okay it was totally awesome!

then i found my sayang! PETAK!!! 
awww, lame gile taa jumpe. 
then dapat gak jumpe and hug dea kuat kuat!!
petak pun join dancing with me.
best gile!!! then dea stop suddenly ,
wan ask him why ?
he said "rambut dayang ni kacau!"
ahaha! kesian petak .
i love you PETAKK!

then ade gak yang maen pisau.
bodoh gile!! 
but im not sure if someone was hurt,
coz it was so pack i cant see a thing.
they were moshing with knife
the most stupid thing ever!
lagu bukan nye heavy metal tapi pegi moshing.
bapak bangang!
hahaha :)

banyak gile cute guys!!
every were all around everyone was damn cute!!
this is why i like to be single!
i can do what ever i want!!
i can dance with anyone i want!!
i cant flirt with everyone i want!!
best gile best gile!!!

i cant tell how i felt last nite.
it was so awesome i cant even tell .
sape yang tade semalam mmg rugi gile!!!
bangun tadi pagi pinggang sakit kaki pun sakit gile!!
argghhh! won't forget this!!
it was OFF THE HOOK!!!