Sunday, December 5, 2010


just cam tuh :)
hehehe . bored laa kann!
just know i was out with syakirah and meor or henry <3
well taa buad ape pun . ptg tuh meet AFIF :)
damn comel lak dea! i thought he was like bweekkk!
but he's not! :) hehe.
then kite org nak pegi mkn shushi but sume price cam GAMPANG !
and then this guy show up and ask if i want
to audition for this tv show in bangsar.
then i was like hmm yea sure! sape tak nak en! hehe!
so he ask for my phone number.
then i gave him but i think this is just a trick to ask for my number.
tak tau laa mane laa tau betul ade audition tuh. heheh!
well everything was okay today~ 

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