Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yeye or Dayang ?

Both of them are my name well of course :)
dayang is my real name its Dayang Suhaila.
its hideous i know dont tell me LOL 
some of them call me dayang and some of them call me yeye.
the people that call me dayang is my school mate.
they didn't even know that yeye exists :)
so thats why they call me dayang.
and the people that call me yeye is the closes friends.
coz they know me more so thats why they call me yeye :)

ohh yaa, i get that yeye name from one of BRITNEY SPEARS's songs.
called 'oops i did it again'. the intro goes like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah.
i was totally obsess with britney so i took that intro and made it a name.
haha :) genius rite?! haaha. LOL :)
my nickname should be aila ewww~
i know rite?! hehe :) aila comes from suhAILA .
get it? i don't like cute, sweet, soft name. 
it disgust me :) hahaah.
everytime my mum or my dad called me aila, i will ignore them.
then they have to call me yeye or not i will continue ignoring them.
hahah sorry mummy and daddy :)
i just don't like that name ewww~

so you guys can call me yeye or dayang.
its your choice
i wont ignore you guys calling me dayang or yeye aite.
but i will if you guys call me aila :)
so yeye or dayang its up to you .
toodles <333


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