Wednesday, December 22, 2010

which one i prefer :)

we are talking about a girl and a boy.
well i don't care if you guys think this as a wrong way 
but for me its okay *i guess 
i prefer girls more then boys :)
why is it so wrong to have a GIRLFRIEND?
they are human too not rats or dogs rite?
why is it so ignoble?
for me its normal and its kinda good.
because they are like you bestfriend and like your sister
or even your mum :)
i mean they can be the one that you can talk to.
that you are not shy to speak as tall as the mountain.
do you guys get me?
like they understand what you feel because they are girls too.
they can give you good suggestion not like guys

guys bring us to the wrong way,
they bring us to the dark side.
they will trow our dignity away and everyone will look at
us with their disgustful ugly face.
guys never respect girls and guys doesn't care if the girls are in hurt.
they will say "do i care" or "do i give a damn"
if those words came out from their mouth it even hurts more rite.
guys are just a loser. they only think about them selfs.
they are selfish, no respect, mean, dumb, not an understanding person,
dishonest, unfaithful, and most of all DISGUSTING!!!
so thats why i prefer girls more then boys :)

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