Monday, December 27, 2010


how to become one ?
since long ago i always wanted to be a playgirl :)
but i just don't have the guts to be one.
i always wanted to have 4 boyfriends at the same time.
but it never happen!!
my ex's always cheated on me but every time i wanted to cheat.
i will feel so bad and i change my mind not to.
why is it so easy for them to cheat on me
and why is it so damn hard for me to cheat on them.
why do i felt sorry every time i wanted to cheat.
don't they feel bad when they cheated on me?
i don't think so.
i should not felt bad to cheat at those kind of HUMAN BEING!
because they never felt bad so why i have to.
rite ? am i rite ?!

i want 4 boyfriends instead of 1!!
but i just don't know how and i don't have the guts.
SHIT!! what should i do to have those guts like they do?
is it rite to have 4 instead of 1?
should i not cheat on them?
and i have another problem.
how should i cheat on someone when i don't even have one.
DAMN im STUPID! hahahah!
i wanna cheat but don't even have one!
WOW nice thats amazing girl!
if i do have one should i or should not cheat ?

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