Tuesday, December 28, 2010

shopping !

    shopping 27/12/2010 :)
arrgghh it was very tiring !
from ampang to mid valley
from mid valley to times square 
from times square to sungai wang
from sungai wang back to times square 
and from times square to ampang ALONE !
i haven't sat even for a while well i did sat on the train and the bus.
but that doesn't count :) 
my legs was in PAIN!!
i've been walking and walking and walking.
and FYI i didn't even slept that day.
i travel so far just to find a cute beg.
hahaha. and yes i'd found one!
and the best thing IT WAS ON SALE!!
aarrggghhh! i know! 
its all worth it! the pain, the tiring , the swollen at my feet .
i got what i want and im damn happy!

i was damn tried !
when i was on the bus on the way home,
i slept like i haven't slept in days!!
and my head was on the aunty's shoulder
the one that was sitting next to me.
yeah i did realize that my head was on her shoulder.
but i was so damn sleepy so i just leave it .
eww, there must be many germs on her.
YUCK ! haha !
well as long as i got what i've wanted i don't care
about ANYTHING :)

Monday, December 27, 2010


how to become one ?
since long ago i always wanted to be a playgirl :)
but i just don't have the guts to be one.
i always wanted to have 4 boyfriends at the same time.
but it never happen!!
my ex's always cheated on me but every time i wanted to cheat.
i will feel so bad and i change my mind not to.
why is it so easy for them to cheat on me
and why is it so damn hard for me to cheat on them.
why do i felt sorry every time i wanted to cheat.
don't they feel bad when they cheated on me?
i don't think so.
i should not felt bad to cheat at those kind of HUMAN BEING!
because they never felt bad so why i have to.
rite ? am i rite ?!

i want 4 boyfriends instead of 1!!
but i just don't know how and i don't have the guts.
SHIT!! what should i do to have those guts like they do?
is it rite to have 4 instead of 1?
should i not cheat on them?
and i have another problem.
how should i cheat on someone when i don't even have one.
DAMN im STUPID! hahahah!
i wanna cheat but don't even have one!
WOW nice thats amazing girl!
if i do have one should i or should not cheat ?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

25th dec 2010

haha! lain yang diplan lain yang jadi.
hahaha! suppose hari ni jumpe kyrol and dayah and lepak nan ayen.
then org tue suruh gerak same.
*tapi taa gerak same-same pun jumpe kat sane.
then text ayen tapi jari dea patah en so taa leyh reply 
*taa patah pun PERLI jea :)
and org tue taa kasi jmpe kyrol coz dea ******s :)
hahaha LOL
first first taa dew mood jea coz org tue ni syek ckp 
'pegi laa jumpe dea' 'pegi laa jumpe dea'
isshh! ANNOYING!!
then bile ckp okay trus buat muke BONTOT.
hahaha :)

SUDDENLY! jeng jeng jeng~ dayah call! *finally
dea ckp dea kat pavi but time tuh kite org kat sungai wang.
so i ask them to follow me :)
"follow me everything is alrite, i'll be the one to tuck you in at nite"
lagu follow me by uncle kracker :)
buleh sesat lak lagu tuh! :)
so tnggu kat entrance bejam jam!
call taa angkat *buduh 
then daa 3minggu tnggu kat entrance, mate pun daa bekulat
badan daa bau cam org yang tengah bace ni skarang
*haha just kidding :)
baru dorang nak call. HADUYY!
so jumpe laa si pendek!
and then kite orang pegi mamam kat NZ :)
cite cite cite, jln jln jln.
dayah and apit hilang.
masalah tul!  tnggu lagi kat entrance tapi ni bkn mate bekulat
bontot plak bekulat.

then lepak laa kat pavi smpai naa balek. 
balek balek jea ramai lak orang ajak lepak
perhh! tak saket hati pulak.
hishh korang ni.
so daa sparuh jalan naa balek and i decide to go home 
btw, si org tue pun buat muke. hehehe.
so time balek rase penat gile.
padahal taa wat pape pun.
bkn nyeh pegi lari-lari kat pavi tuh.
duduk and bediri jea.
hmmm. so tuh jea laa yg tejadi hari ni :)


HAHAH ! ade suare my sis and my lil' bro agih!
dorang nga shokk tngok TEEN CHOICE AWARD.
tuh laa jerit jerit. haha!
then justin bieber perform so saif  *my lil' bro
masuk bilek nak panggil me then
mummy lupe yg tengah record. hahahaha!
at the end of the song muke mummy tak buleh bla!
hahah. shuuss!!! shuuss!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

true fact !

well, everyone change in every second.
you should not trust anyone.
sometimes you cant even trust your own family.
because yaa my MUM she knows that i put my money
under my pillow and she took it.
you see. we cant trust anybody.
yaa at first they will say sweet things to us
then one day BAAMM! they were not the person 
that we use to know.
they are such a duchbags! *tak gune
so don't trust anyone.
they will use you
they will steal your money
they will take advantage on you.
they will influence you.
they will put you into trouble 
trust me! i know!
i mean trust me on this not trust me because of me.
haha! get it?!
so play wisely okay honey! 
stay out of trouble and NEVER TRUST ANYONE
remember that!
xoxo yeye :)

please CALL ME !

if you guys found a guy that looks like this
but with this hair cut
and has this awesome hot yummy body like this
and can do this amazing beatbox

please please and please,
give me a call.
im begging :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

HAHAHA kiss me :)

hahaha, kiss me bebeh :)
muke taa buleh blaa laa!
hahaha. i made this video coz i was super bored
and super MASUK AYER :)
wanna give me a kiss?
hell to the YEAH BEBEH :)
well just enjoy okay guys.
drop your stupid comment below.
hahaha <333

which one i prefer :)

we are talking about a girl and a boy.
well i don't care if you guys think this as a wrong way 
but for me its okay *i guess 
i prefer girls more then boys :)
why is it so wrong to have a GIRLFRIEND?
they are human too not rats or dogs rite?
why is it so ignoble?
for me its normal and its kinda good.
because they are like you bestfriend and like your sister
or even your mum :)
i mean they can be the one that you can talk to.
that you are not shy to speak as tall as the mountain.
do you guys get me?
like they understand what you feel because they are girls too.
they can give you good suggestion not like guys

guys bring us to the wrong way,
they bring us to the dark side.
they will trow our dignity away and everyone will look at
us with their disgustful ugly face.
guys never respect girls and guys doesn't care if the girls are in hurt.
they will say "do i care" or "do i give a damn"
if those words came out from their mouth it even hurts more rite.
guys are just a loser. they only think about them selfs.
they are selfish, no respect, mean, dumb, not an understanding person,
dishonest, unfaithful, and most of all DISGUSTING!!!
so thats why i prefer girls more then boys :)

Yeye or Dayang ?

Both of them are my name well of course :)
dayang is my real name its Dayang Suhaila.
its hideous i know dont tell me LOL 
some of them call me dayang and some of them call me yeye.
the people that call me dayang is my school mate.
they didn't even know that yeye exists :)
so thats why they call me dayang.
and the people that call me yeye is the closes friends.
coz they know me more so thats why they call me yeye :)

ohh yaa, i get that yeye name from one of BRITNEY SPEARS's songs.
called 'oops i did it again'. the intro goes like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah.
i was totally obsess with britney so i took that intro and made it a name.
haha :) genius rite?! haaha. LOL :)
my nickname should be aila ewww~
i know rite?! hehe :) aila comes from suhAILA .
get it? i don't like cute, sweet, soft name. 
it disgust me :) hahaah.
everytime my mum or my dad called me aila, i will ignore them.
then they have to call me yeye or not i will continue ignoring them.
hahah sorry mummy and daddy :)
i just don't like that name ewww~

so you guys can call me yeye or dayang.
its your choice
i wont ignore you guys calling me dayang or yeye aite.
but i will if you guys call me aila :)
so yeye or dayang its up to you .
toodles <333


Sunday, December 19, 2010

the things i want

well of course all girls wants the best rite ?
well what i want the most is my best friend back.
i miss her so much! 
i want you back more then that red VOLKSWAGEN BETTLE
and that amazing shinning white VESPA.
pls come back dayah :(
and other then my bff is to continue my studies in sabah.
OMG im so scared if daddy ask me to study in kl.
i dun want :( i wanna study there! i cant concentrate here in kl. hmm, 
i hope daddy let me. pls pls pls understand!!
and i want someone that i can talk to that im not shy to tell everything 
that im not embarrass to cry with.
i wish i would fine that person.
i thought i found one before, but he is not the one.
coz he lied before.
bff dun lie to each other.
FYI the SOMEONE that i was talking is not a BOY FRIEND its
a FRIEND a close friend.
i dun want a boyfriend i dun need one.
such a waste of time :)
and the thing that i want is RED HOT VOLKSWAGEN BETTLE :)
damn that hot!! cant imagine how its gonna be when i have that car.
i will have it one day. i know i will :)
but if i cant have a volkswagen i want a white vespa instead .
wow! its gonna be amazing .
hope i will get what i wished .

my hobby :)

whoa, its been too long since i ever play my guitar.
ohh, i miss you so much. 
damn saket gile bile daa start maen balek.
maklum laa, daa lame taa pegang guitar.
hmm :)
i love you old guitar! even though you are 21 years old :)
cant believe daddy gave me that guitar.
its so old but looks like brand new.
thanks daddy your the best !
jeng jeng *bunyi guitar :)

movie time :)

best jea pegi tngk narnia 3D :)
sib baek taa tngk 2 org nan ayen jea .
then hero kite dtg si ABG BANET :)
whoaa HEBAT :)
hehe , best best !

Kenduri kawin and KARAOKE !

habes pegi kenduri kawin orang yang tidak dikenali jea,
trus pegi karaoke dngan ajey and wan idong.
hmm, balek balek jea SORE TROAT :(
then otw balek kete wat hal . 
so tepakse stay jap. 
then smpai ruma mummy taa biseng *yeay !!!
i love you mum <33


hahaha ! i will always love you even though your teeth is like SHIT !
hahaha :) taa buleh  bla <3

Sunday, December 12, 2010

8 dec birthday GIRL :)

happy birthday girl ! sorry no present :( hehe . well karoke was fun rite !
but mummy bad mood coz girl taa kasi dea sing .
balek balek jea mummy mara dea . 
kesian birthday girl kene mara lak :)
hehehe :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


just cam tuh :)
hehehe . bored laa kann!
just know i was out with syakirah and meor or henry <3
well taa buad ape pun . ptg tuh meet AFIF :)
damn comel lak dea! i thought he was like bweekkk!
but he's not! :) hehe.
then kite org nak pegi mkn shushi but sume price cam GAMPANG !
and then this guy show up and ask if i want
to audition for this tv show in bangsar.
then i was like hmm yea sure! sape tak nak en! hehe!
so he ask for my phone number.
then i gave him but i think this is just a trick to ask for my number.
tak tau laa mane laa tau betul ade audition tuh. heheh!
well everything was okay today~ 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

friends is better !

i think i should treat him like a friend, :)
heheh , *poyo jea!
im OKAY and FINE ! 
so please stop calling me and ask whether im okay or not!!
im totally fine. its not like im not use to this things.
it happens 3 times already so im quite use to it even though it HURTS
but the thing that hurts a lot is these things happen in a row.
why ? what did i do wrong ?
bodoh tol!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

i feel AMAZING !

im feeling :
thanks to you son of a bitch! :')

cant believe this happens again!

im so sad that im in love with someones boyfriend AGAIN !!!
i didnt know that you were her's.
i cant stand feeling like this again.
i cant believe u lied to me.
i was so glad i didn't say yes.
you totally break my heart.
i know from the first day i met you , you were wrong.
i trust you! and this what you give back?!!
im not gonna see you again!!
i promise i wont!!!!!!!!


why am i feeling this way ?
im suppose to be happy when he ask that question.
i do love him and i do like him 
my heart did beat extremely fast when those words came out
from his mouth.
but seriously i don't trust him that much.
is it because of the calls that he answered and spoke very low or
its because of syakirah's bad news or 
i just cant except anyone.
syakirah did told me if he propose just say yes.
and she said i've been single for to long and i will regret if i say no 
because he is perfect for me.
i do think he is perfect and everything but why 
am i feeling this way ?!!
isn't this what i've wanted since a long time ago.
i've been waiting for those words to come out from his mouth and
when its out i dont feel rite,
what should i do?
hmmm :(

Cant Stop Crying :(

It happens so fast. cant believe its near already.
why is this happening to me?
i don't wanna be left alone. i cant imagine how its gonna be without you.
you were the best thing that ever happen.
why are you doing this to me? :(
seriously i cant find someone like you out there.
im gonna miss you and i love you so much.
why are you going to the place that i cant come and meet you ?
i will wait for your call everyday .
i will always remember you and all the things you've done.
i appreciate every second you spend with me and i will never forget the
things we've done together :'(
and i think my tears are damaging this keyboard because it falls every time
i type a word.
im so gonna miss you SYAKIRAH :"(