Thursday, March 31, 2011

OMG !!!

guess what ?!!
my chichi called !
aaarrrrhhhh !!! I KNOW !
punya maen terkejut !
sampai MENANGIS !
mmg speechless gile laaa .
mcm taa caye !
then she cried and i cried too :'(
really miss her !
thank god dea bukak BLOG ieka and founded mine .
then she read the one that was about her .
 the one that i said i miss my chichi !
aarrrggghhh! she called at last !
punye maen mahal naa call dari doha kea malaysia !
1 minute is 20sen and 30 minute is RM16 !!!
gile babi en !!
then she gave her e-mail so that is easy to contact her .
i cant call but i can text :)
or just e-mail her ! :)
she said that she'll be back on 26 of june :(
OH OH ! and dea naa pergi umrah ohh !
gile best en !
dea pesan naa dea tolong mintak pape taa ?
*doa laa maksud dea :)
then i said 'YEAH OF COURSE' !
then she ask 'what is it ? a handsome boyfriend, be skinny ?'
hahaha , bodoh jea en !
kalu mintak tuh mmg taa kan dimakbul kan laa !
so i ask something about my PMR and something personal :)
*cant tell :)

she said 
"do you go to school ?"
then i said ,
"well yeah , eh aku baru 4 hari ponteng OKAY!"
*mmg laa baru 4 hari coz baru 1 bulan stengah masuk skola
hahahhaa *smart!
then i ask her ,
are you getting thin or getting fat ?
then she said ,
maintain B)
hahahahha , bengong jea !
then she ask me ,
i said im getting fatter like my sister .
then she said , WHAT ?! teruk nya !
sial jea en , hina sngat kea my sister ?
hahahaha . *JK
and she ask about my facebook's password .
i said i already change it .
then she said ,
so i felt sorry and i gave her plus she doesnt have one,
so let her see bertapa maju daa kwn kwn dea kat sini .
hahahah :)
then she ask me to sing a song for her ,
and i sang perfect two-auburn for her :)
tapi lupa lyrics !
and she also said that she's jealous at her sister coz ,
she got a blackberry on her birthday :)
hahaha , then she said ,
"its okay ! i can buy one here" hahaha :)
tah pape tah !
then we talk about someone,
cant tell !! SECRET !
then she said i miss you !
aawww ! i miss her too !
and she told me that if she reach to KL
she will bite me :(
then ckp ckp , gelak gelak 
tngok tngok jea daa tnggal 2 minute .
dea pun ckp gile laju !
hahaha ,
so thats how it end :(
hope to hear about you more syakirah :)
i miss you like shit !
kalau dtg KL bawak laa pape dari sana !
naa gak bende yang tade dlm malaysia ken .
hehehe *HEBAT
bye-bye !

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