Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Excuesamey !
kau ni buleh taa jangan perasan.
bukan sebab aku selalu lepak dengan kau 
bermaksud aku suka kat kau .
memang laa kite baru kenal ,
so kalau baru kenal tuh kene PERASAN laa ?
aku lepak dengan kau sebab kau kawan aku,
yang kau lebih lebih kenape ?
kau yang ajak kawan kau lepak sekali
so kenape laa kalau aku ada feeling dengan kawan kau ?
then , bila kawan kau ada
 kau marah-marah ape sal ?
mmg laa aku mcm suka-suka kat dia
just MINAT bukan nye terus
WAHH NAK COUPLE laa bagai !
just suka tengok muka dia 
and SO ?? 
SO kalau aku suka ke minat ke kat dia 
WHY ???
salah ke ?? kau BF aku ke sekarang ??
kau kawan buat cara kawan!
lebih-lebih ape sal ?
pastu buruk-buruk kan aku -.-'
FUCK gila laa kau ni !

Friday, November 25, 2011

Michael Jackson

Behind the mask <33
bestt gila lagu dia ,
tapi sayanggg
video tuh taa leyh show kat sini :(

nahh link dia !
bukak jangan taa bukak!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Swagger Jagger

Lagu ni lama-lam dengar best pulakk :)
rambut dia sumpah lawa <333
Swagger Jagger :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


awww COMEL GILAA LAA BF aku ni <33
time tengah match aku tengok jea kau ;)
btw , congratzzz!!
INDON kalah MALAYSIA menang!!

In time MOVIE

Best gilaa cerita ni !
HANDSOME BF aku ni .
and lawa Amanda Seyfried pakai wig :)
sesuai gakk kalau rambut dia pendekk .
comel jea nampak .
kalau dorg ni couple i think dorg ni
agak SESUAI :)
tapi kalau justin couple dengan aku lagi 
tapi cerita dea ni mmg BEST!!
sweet ada suspend ada
semua ada .
taa rugi aku tngok cerita ni tadi <333

Monday, November 21, 2011

Missing Someone

Rasa macam rindu kat orang ,
but siapa ??
rasa rindu tapi taa tau rindu kat siapa .
sewel !
selalu gak rasa macam ni .
first temenung and then rasa rindu .
ada something wrong ke or
its normal ?
rasa rindu dia lain macam .
tapi rindu kat SIAPA???

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sedih Sedih Sedih

Yahh ALLAH!!!
kenapa kau biar kan COOL BLOG tutup sebelum aku beli :'(
sampai hati !!
aku mau MINUM COOL BLOG laaaaaaaaa!!!!!
jauh aku pergi ,
dari ampang kea times square aku pergi !
betul betul sedih aku dibuat nyaaaa !!! 


I always imagine how is my future BOYFRIEND is like .
is he the romantic type of guy

or is he the sweet type of guy

or maybe he is the awkward type of guy

hmm, maybe he is the loving+caring type

he also could be the 'what do i care' type of guy :)

just cant wait to know ,
but the question is , when am i gonna know?
aiyaaakkkkk -.-

1 year with BLOG

was the date 
me and you were as 1 
CEHHH!! :)
hari ini hari saya setahun dengan BLOG saya !
heeeeee <33333

Friday, November 18, 2011


Tadi kite orang balik rumah 
duduk macam biasa , borak-borak 
pastu kite orang realize something is missing
rupa-puranya LULU missing !
time tuh semua kelam kabut !!
so i took the liberty to find my baby !
first saif yang pergi 
and then saif lama sangat
so i went out to rescue my CAT !
selama 3 minute i found her :D
HEBAT laa aku ni !
hahah .
happy gilaaaaaaa
aku panggil LULU LULU ,
then dea lari pergi kat aku sambil
berMEOW MEOW :')

Saya NAK!!!

1 december im so gonna buy this !
aku nak colour ni B)
cantekkkk nyaaa UKELELE ni :(
i wanttttt!!!!

Im using my OLD NUMBER !

i just renewed my old number :D
this number 334
so anything you guys can call that number
or you can also text me :)

Shopping Sekolah

The Prime Minister of malaysia ,
Najib Abdul Razak gave all students
100 Ringgit to spend for school uniform or anything 
involving with school laa .
so tadii pagi i went to school to get my hundred :)
and then i went to my mum's shop at spectrum bandar baru ampang
so daa sampai i order margarita with extra CHEESE *pizza
pastu i told my sister that im going to Maxis Center 
naa amek number baru ,
so i did and my sis came along.
daa sampai TIMES SQUARE 
first thing kite orang buad is carikk beg sekolah :D
and i found one !

leopard !!
its so damn cute !
tapi dalam picture taa nampak cute -.-'
but its actually CUTEEE !!
and it was on SALE aahhhh !
i know right !
only RM49 :D
it means i still have RM50 right ,
i bought this 

yep i know ,
LEOPARD jugakkk B)
hehehe !
so habes 100 aku :)
hahaha .
hmm , but my sister bought something for her also today .

its a small beg .
she bought it for her TELEKUNG .
she wanted to keep it in a small beg 
so she bought 1 :)
and its cute ;)
lastly kite orang pergi Maxis Center renew my sim card .
now im using my old NUMBER okay guyss :)


After all i edit everything
and now its finally done !!
my BLOG is DONE!!
i've change everything ,
hope you guys like it coz 
i like it <3
and i love this song ,
i think it suit with my blog .
i mean the colour and all .

Karaoke bersama my SISTAA !

Karaoke kat Times Square , NEWAY :)
besttt .
kite dua orang jea time tuh .
nyanyi sampai kul 5 .
Hilang suara kott !
masa mau habes tuh aku terlanggar 
glass sampai pecah ,
klang kabut aku keluar .

Monday, November 14, 2011

Just wanna say...


Malam itu

Hari tu , entah laa bila daa lama gak laa .
me, dayah, gendut and kakak dea lepak bawah rumah dayah .
then , dalam kul 11 cam tuh aku balik laa .
masa on the way balik 
ada indian ni naik motor dua orang
first driver dea yang pandang 
then orang belakang dea lak pndang .
aku buad bodo jea laa 
tiba-tiba diorang U-turn 
time tuh daa mmg ckp dalam hati daa
kalau dorang U-turn lagi mmg lari terus laa ken
then dorang U-turn lagi
time tuh mmg lari laa pergi kat tmpat ramai orang
and then depan sikit ada bus stop
pastu dorang duk jea sana 
macam carik carik .
then i think dorang nampak aku kot pndang pandang dorang
so dorang park kat simpang-simpang
and still tunggu .
tah dorang nak ape !
aku pun laa Shahrizal
tapi dea tengah malas ,
dea tanak amek aku :(
so aku call laa dayah , ingat nak jalan jea wat bodo
sambil bercakap laa dngan dayah ,
then separuh jalan  
dayah ckp "ishh! kau tnggu laa situ aku dtg amek kau"
time tuh lega hati aku !
semenjak tuh aku balik mesti ada teman or
balik awal sikit or naik texsi .
tanak aku jalan sorang lagi ,

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tadi Petang

haduyy yaii !
tadi mummy ajak pergi saloon kawan dea ,
baru bukak so ada makan makan .
tapi mummy pergi dulu
about 2 o'clock baru aku dtg .
sampai sampai jea , me and my sis duduk dekat luar
dea ada balcony so kite orang duk sana ,
and then i saw a cake B)
i thought it was CHEESECAKE !
so aku pun pergi laa amek ,
and ada jugak curry puff and mee hun 
i didn't know food tuh semua untuk nanti
aku maen makan jea , patut laa semua orang pndang aku
rupa rupa nya belum time makan -.-'
malu aku , aku daa pelik daa kenapa semua pndang pandang
sialan betul !

Friday, November 11, 2011

Si Sepet

Ohh mamat sepet :)
kamu sungguh comel !
hahahah ,
rasa macam naa picit picit jea mata kau !
bila laa aku nak nampak kau lagi :)
kau asyek tutup jea kedai kau ,
bukak laaa bukak laa !!
buleh shashi buleh gak cuci mata <3

Stupid 11.11.2011

10 minutes ago , 
i called Mcdonald's to order some meals.
then , about 15 minutes there was someone at the door ,
i didn't answer it coz i was taking a bath .
i ask my mum to take the door for me ,
but she was to busy so i ask her to tell him to wait
but he keeps on knocking the door .
my mum couldn't take it so she open the door ,
and it was the Mcdonald's guy.
i rush to the door as soon as i heard my mum said 
"its your delivery!!"
i was with my towel and completely wet 
and then i open the door
and he looks so CUTE!!! 
hahaha .
i took the bill and ask him to hold on while i go and take the money
so when i was opening my mum's purse 
theres only 5 RINGGIT !!
i shouted saying 'mum, wheres the money'
she said "in the other purse"
i said 'theres only 1 purse here'
she said 'OMG , dont tell me i left the purse at the shop'
i was so panic !!!
im half naked , im totally wet , and i have no money !!!
i went to my room and put on my pajamas 
when i was grabbing my pajamas ,
i heard something fell 
and it was my old purse
i open it and theres 26 ringgit !
i was so happy !!!
and then i went to look how much is the mcdonald's
and it was
still not enough
i have no choice so i have to ran to my aunty pinky's house
ask for some money
i was so embarrass !!
i ask the mcD guy to follow me to my aunty's house
its not far , she live in fif floor
when we were in the lift ,
i couldn't look at him becoz i realize that im blushing !
everytime i look at him i will laugh and 
make my embarrass face and of course i look stupid .
even though im in my pajamas but
i didn't wear my bra so...... HMMM... -.-''
so when we reach at my aunt's house i called her
and her son answered i told him to ask his mum 10 bucks
he ran to his mum and came back saying
"she don't have money"
i was like WTF!!
i was thinking to go to 11th floor to my other aunt's house
which her son is my EX BOYFRIEND 
so i was beyond EMBARRASS to ask money from them !!
BUT!!! thank god aunty pinky said here i got 10 bucks
ohhhhhh!!!! THANK GOD!!!!
i didn't have to go to 11th floor .
so both of us went back to my house
and when we were going down
he said "kesian awak ken"
i was like ARGGHHH!!!
i just laugh , its the least i can do .
so we reach to my house i took my 26 and gave him
so all total is 36 but i gave him 37 
and i said KEEP THE CHANGE -.-''
why in the hell my mouth said that !!!!!
stupid 11.11.2011 -.-''