Sunday, July 31, 2011

bird im sorry!

pada suatu hari ,
i was on the phone with syakirah
then mummy was on the phone with her friend .
mummy tibe2 shout 'yeye look!!'
then i turn my head and saw this bird
was attacked by my cat's mum.
aku pun cepat2 turun and saved the bird :D
aku halau the bad cat and try amek bird ni
but aku takutt :(
sebab dea asyek kibas kepak dea time naa angkat dea .
so aku nmpak shahrul *anak my mum's friend
aku suruh dea tolong amek kan bird tuh
dea daa amek bawak laa pulang
naa rawat dea and lepas kan time dea daa sihat
so balik balik taa dea sangkar naa letak
mummy ask shahrul amek sangkar dea kat rumah dea
and then kite org pun simpan laa bird tuh dlm sangkar
semua daa lengkap 
makanan and minuman :)
so 2 days after that
sangkar tuh daa tade and the bird pun tade .
i ask mummy , mana burung tuh ?
she said burung tuh daa mati :'(
sedih gilaa :(

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