Sunday, July 31, 2011


aku mengaku seumur hidup aku
aku taa pernah laa buad mcm ni :)
hahahha .
cerita dea mcm ni ehh ,
first aku online as usual ,
then a bell ring
*clikk ada friend request masukk .
and si dia di atas add .
few second past
bunyi 'clikk' berbunyi lagi
ada orang send something kat wall
so i opened it and read this guy send YO!
haha .
aku pun reply laa yaww :)
dea ckp buad apa?
i said bernafas, you ?
he said breath jea. HAHA !
and i ask , daa cuci kereta api ?
he said , daa. satu hari doe. penat sial. HAHA
then i said , taa pea laa . carik rezeki en . hahah . so brape laa gaji ?
he replied , 100k sebulan
aku ckp WAHH JUM KAWIN!!
hahaha .
then he said jom cepat laa relationhip .
i was joking jea that time
taa sangka lak dea sent tul tul request relationship en.
so aku time masuk air
and approve him :D
hahah .
now im not sure what to do -.-'
so aku just biar kan jea laa relationship tuh .
malas naa remove biar lelaki sekalian tidak
menggangu saya :)
hahha .
tapi mamat ni agak HANDSOME en :D
bye bye <333

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