Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SYAKIRAH again !

hmm , she said that she'll be in
malaysia just for a month :(
thats so sad !
30 days is not enough time
to spend time with her :'(
why why why ?!
hmm !
hate bad news !
why 30 days ?!
hmm , daa laa aku sekolah !
after school baru buleh jumpa !
mana cukup !
if she sleep at my house ,
time aku pergi sekolah dea naa buad apa ?
tidur ? duduk sorang dlm bilik ?
daa laa she have to puasa at doha !
what about me ?!
what about my plans ?!
everything is ruin !
why her dad give her only 1 month ?!
thats not enough !!!

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