Sunday, February 27, 2011


PERHHH!! hari ni mmg menyakit kan hati!!
sial tol!
family, friends, si **** sial pun same!!
E! nak maki maki jea!!

okay first first okay laa ,
time wan , no name and ayen ade ,
okay jea sume ,
time daa balek tuh !
singgah pavi jumpe darla then dea ckp 
si **** kua laa dngan si ***** ,
pea lagi kongkek arh dorang!
darla cakap .
darah sampai tepancut pacut tuh
kua dari mate!!
mmg kau kene reject arh en ,
tanak aku kat kau!
E! daa laa mmbe aku sume ckp
"rugi kau dayang kalu taa amek dea"
puji kau sume!!
tengok same jea cam mamat laen!
ni laa sebab sebab aku taa naa ade bende
bende GAMPANG ni!!!
yang aku saket hati sngat ni, 
coz aku pun engad dea ni laen
mati laa kau!

then pegi kat area kitaro !
HAH! yang ni best laaa !
hehehehhe !
jln jea naa pegi rooftop,
then si qarina and qiqie tibe tibe cam 
kelamkabut cakap 
"weyhh dayang!! si *** b*****!!!"
then aku pun!!
pea lagi cepat cepat laa pandang kat mane.
then nampak jea dea.
waahhh terus ade spotlight kat dea!
PERH! cair bhai tngok muke dea!!
then naa tau ! heheheh~
dea ckp DAYANG!!!
kuat gile kottt!
gile laaaaa~
comel nye suare dea sebut name aku!
bodoh bodoh jea!
tengok!! first first sedih jea pasal si kambeng tuh!
last last ! waaaaahhhh! 
hahaha <3

then sampai laa kite org ke rooftop,
pastu si girl call *my sis
dea ckp 
"mane ? mummy biseng suruh alek!"
aku pun 
"laaa, yea kea . kau letak jea laa kunci t aku alek, otw daa ni"
tipu siket en ,
hehehe :)
astu stengah jam cam tuh ,
call LAGI !
"mane kau ni!! cepat laaa!! mummy daa mengamuk!"
so kite org pun blaa laa dari rooftop.
tapi lame gak arh lepak sane ,
naa 1 jam lebih gak arh kott.
heheh :)
so otw naa balek tuh,
buleh lak tersalah jalan .
*tersalah jln laa sngt.
smpai kat area club club lak .
plan naa sneak peek jap .
tapi org besar tuh pkai suar pendek lak.
so tade arhh .
so ejad call *abang angkat
dea tnye kat mne blaa blaa blaa,
and aku pun tnye kat mane.
dea ckp kat area tasek lepak lepak.
tapi sunyi jea . cam bukan lepak .
then aku pun ckp laa tlg dtg ruma
coz kalu dea ade nnti mummy pun taa 
biseng laa en .
hehe *pandai en!
so hantar mmbe kat setapak then aku ME !
hehe .

then call laa ejad 
coz daa otw alek en ,
tapi dea taa angkt.
time tuh naa mcm sial daa 
HAH! sampai sampai ruma jea ,
senyap senyap laa masuk ken ,
takutt gangster tuh bangun .
so masuk masuk jea nampak ejad nga 
bareng bareng maen PSP 
and mummy tade .
aku pun serang laa ejad !
dea buleh ckp kat tasek bagai
tapi dea snanye nga sedap sedap bareng2
kat ruma .
sial jea!!
pastu girl lak! aku naa jea maki dea!
haisshhh! sabar sabar!!

ni laa hari yang cam kentut ni!!
haissshhh! sabar jea laa !

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thank You !

thank you for not contacting me :)
this is not sad for me ,
this is me saying thank you :)
i really appreciate it !
i thought you were never gonna leave .
but now , wuhooo :)
you are just the pain in my ass .
u broke my heart .
and i like that you are not here anymore :)
i dont want to remember this worst nightmare meeting you
im feeling awesome within this 3, 4 days without you .
i thought i was gonna go insane without you
but yet , im getting better!
thanks to all of my friends for being there
and realizing me that he is a bad influence :)
i really appreciate this thing that is happening in my life
im so blessed !
hope this continue till the end of my life :)
and yes i will miss you 
and all the jokes we made :)
thank you for EVERYTHING 

Me Singing For ISAM !

just for ISAM !
muahh muahhh !
sorry ade lupe lyrics .
hehe .

Monday, February 21, 2011


i know a place,
where boys look like AC SLATER

warm wet and wild,
like your step son in the water,
sipping gin and prunes
constipated by the palm trees (cant dump)
the boys break their neck trying to creep
a little sneak peek (at us)
you can travel the world
but noting comes close to the bags of bone,
once you see my hip thrust you'll be falling in love
oooooh Ohh Ooooh

hahhaha ~ sampai situ jea laa :)
yang laen tah pea .


saturday <3
actually i dont remember what happen.
pelupa kan ! naa buat camana :)
well ni laa pic yang sempat kite orang snap :)

ni qarina dating dengan ayem/ayim :)
sampai wan mrajuk !
haha .
sian wan !

wan maen '?'
tah laa pea name bende tuh
lupe, susah sangat naa sebut ,
hehehe :)

New Year's PICS !

Friday, February 11, 2011

hate this feeling :(

okay lets get this straight okay.
kalu taa suka terus ckp.
i taa naa you simpan simpan.
i taa suke.
just straight forward laa.
i taa kesah pun.
i lagi kesah kalu you simpan.
kalu you suka orang laen taa pea.
just ckp.
i taa naa t kang i jea tetunggu tunggu.
just let it out.
i malas laa naa tunngu lame lame.
i wanna know it 
i daa bnyak kali rase cam ni.
i taa naa rase cam ni lagi.
tau taa kalu you dtg jea i trus bad mood.
its because bende ni maen maen kat pale laa.
tuh laa yang senyap jea.
isshhh!!! just ckp OKAY!!
i taa naa buang mase.
and tade nye kalu you cakap you suke
orang laen or you ex kea
then sume daa laen.
tade laa sume same jea kalu you bagi tau.
lagi i layan elok kalu you be honest kat i.
i taa kesah pun.
janji you JUJUR !
please laa JUJUR !
lagi you taa jujur lagi bende ni saket.
so please laa cakap bende yang betul .

Sunday, February 6, 2011


okay mamat ni orang panggel OPAH .
perhh malu gila kot tadi.
buleh silap org pulak en
sial tul!!
opah ni buleh dikatekan mmbe gak laa ken.

HAH ! yang ni pulak bkn orang yang same
ni laen orang lagi.
ni muizz.
hah! muizz ni aku mmg taa kenal laa.
opah tuh mmg laa kenal.
muke dorang same gila
tadi engat an ni opah.
si muizz ni datang kat aku mintak number,
and aku engat dea ni opah then aku ckp laa
'eh, bukan aku daa kasi kau kea hari tuh?'
then dea ckp
'hah? bile lak you kasi i?'
then aku plak
'ade laa hari tuh aku kasi'
time tuh daa pelik daa.
asal opah ni pandai I YOU I YOU pulak en.
hahah ! bodoh gila ohh time tuh.
wat segan jea.
then si wawa bisik ni muizz laa.
time tuh mmg blank gila arhh,
rupe nye orang laen.
tadi mmg klakar and segan tahap babi hutan laa.
gila segan !

5 february 2011

wahh~ gila now its 3.25am
and i just got back.
gilaa laa hari ni.
haha :)
its pipie's birthday!!

just AKA this is not PIPIE okay,
this is qiqie or tina or MAMPOS.
bodoh sara! 

haaa! yang ni my baby laa
my baby gemukk+boncet=boroy!

ahh! yang ni laa sarah.
dea yang kasi name si qiqie MAMPOS.
panjang cite dea actually :)
mls naa taip <3

hm, yang mamat kat sebelah tuh
hah! dea naa rampas my baby from me :'(
and name dea WAN TWO TIGA :)

lots of crazy things happen today.
gila betul!
ada yang bikin takut and ada yang gila klakar !
best gila!!!
yang kene tahan polis tuh laa goyang gila!
takot coz IC TADAK!!!
gila mati ohh!
buleh kene saman 3k!!
gila ka! mana mau cari 3k!!
dea ckp lagi mau kasi dok dlm lockup bia
mummy amek jea besok pagi.
isshhh!! dengar jea tuh perhh!!
gila GOYANG!!!
mati ohh dngan mummy!!
then we were so lucky coz they said PERGI BALIK!!
pekataan PERGI BALIK tuh kua jea dari mulut dea,
wow! terus senyum lebar!!
dalaa gatal polis tuh.
eeee~ disgusting ! 
then buleh lagi singgah danau kota.
bodoh gila dorang ni.
daa kene saman mau lagi shopping.
padahal aku yang shopping.
dorang taa shopping pun, dorang poyo jea 
konon naa shopping laa~

then bahan apit,
perhh best gila tahap babi daa.
padan muke! kau slalu bahan aku ken!
amek kau mlm ni!
hah! siap kene saman lagi 6ratus!
padan muke kau!!!
malang kau en hari ni pit.
kesian kesian~
sial hari kau hari ni :(
jangan nanges ehh pak JAWA :)

ade lagi banyak ni.
but mengantuk gila and now pun daa kul 3.57am
mau tidur~ zZzZZz
sleepy gila babi punya.
mate pun daa sepet sepet :D
hmm okay adios amigos~
gud nyte! mwahh mwahh!! <33

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

'A' hole !

You were my sun
You were my earth
But you didn't know all the ways I loved you,
So you took a chance
And made other plans
But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down,

You don't have to say what you did,
I already know I found out from her
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
And don't it make you sad about it

You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other girl
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
To cry.

I know that they say
That somethings are better left unsaid
It wasn't like you only talked to her and you know it
All of these things people told me
Keep messing with my head
You should've picked honesty
Then you may not have blown it


birthday BOY :)

eeee~ buruk tul laa muke time ni.
but ni jea pic yg ramai2
haduyy haduyy!
may god bless you :)
daa 12 tahun daa.
haha! kecikk lagi.
habes laa UPSR :P

wahhh~ akhir nye !
dpt jugak mkn CHEESECAKE
my FAV!!
thank you thank you thank you!
sedap gilaa laa~
and then mkn ni

lasagna !
one of my top list !
arrgghh! gila sedap!
yum yum !

and then uncle muksain dtg.
tah laa betul kea taa eja nama dea tuh.
maen eja jea :D
and dea bagi

best gila bila money tuh daa smpai kat tngan!!
i love money!!
ohh yeah bebeh :D
come to mama !
then balik and online.
tuh jea laa :)