Monday, November 29, 2010

i love you mum !

mummy sorry yeye tidur ruma syakirah without asking your permission.
yeye tetidur laa and you didnt beat me *thank god!
but you bought me a necklace and a ankle bracelet instead.
awww, thanks mum! ur the best <33333333

hahahah !

tah pea masalah dea . sakett otak kott :)

Syakirah :(

i was so sad when you told me about that text. i was about to cry but i force myself not to.
i dont want you to go but if thats what you think the best
then go ahead. hmm :( but i hope your not going. there'll be no one else will
bite me and climb my back and shout through my ears and make me feel ill and gets me headache
AND chase me around your mum's spa *scary!
i will miss you syggg :'(


aww~ your so sweet laa dear! i didnt expect you to draw that at my arm.
even though it looks like a cat get hit by a truck but
its so sweet like candy!
awww! just cant stop remembering that beautiful moment!
love you syggg<3333333

Akmal Henry and Me :)

hahahaha ! sume taa buleh blaa~ well that moment was fun . everyone was looking at us but he didnt even care . everyone was like 'what the hell is wrong with this kids'. hahha! mcm bangang! 
it was crazy looking good :)

Ice-Skating With Syakirah

it was fun! totally amazing and fyi it was my first *malu . well i didnt fall but theres this stupid boy push me and i cut both of my knee and my elbow. SAKETTT! he didnt just push me once but TWICE! bodoh gile! well at least me and syakirah had a blast . thats IMPORTANT ! hehehe . kesian syakirah habes duit . hahaha ! :) hope we will go again someday <33

Thursday, November 25, 2010

today keja part-time with akmal henry :)

hm , penat gila ohh . 
you punya pasal laa ni . ajak lepak until cant sleep . 
then tibe tibe je call ask kalau mau keja kea taa . haduy masalah tol mamat ni .
but nasib baek laa ada keja . daa laa tngah KERING ni . hm, thanks laa sayang for ajak i skali <33
but penat gak laa keja kat kitchen tuh daa laa panas then rambut kene ikat mcm nenek ,
then baju lagi besar . haiyaa maa~ nightmare ohh . daa mcm cite HELL KITCHEN daa .
hahahahaaha . well time dengan you bkan nightmare laa . time keja je .
heheheehe :D 

beautiful laa you ~

3am till 5.17am , laying next to you watching the stars together . that was the best day i ever had . you were sweet like shittt! . everything was just so perfector ! haha . every word you speak melts my heart completely . OMG your voice is freaking amazing! your eyes is to beautiful to watch , your smile makes me wanna scream from the top of the mountain . i cant believe i just wrote this . i think im completely into you . i loved that you count the stars for me . it was sweet and i cant for get that you wrap me into your arms when you ask me whether im cold or not . at that time i know that i really like you . this is the best day of my life . i cant for get the shooting stars that was running above us. it was damn beautiful! i felt safer when you are there with me. you make me feel like i've been reborn again. i wasn't afraid that nite. felt like theres no problem in my life. i wasn't shy to tell everything and i liked that you listen to me till the end of the conversation. sometimes you make think that you have someone else but i just cant see that coz im so in a bubble love :( hope theres no one else laa dear . well everything you do makes me think that im in heaven . i totally love you laaaaaaa~ <3

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


weyhh , ape kau daa buad kat aku weyhh . habes aku dilaknat tuhan . hahaha ! sedap laa you biyy~ hahahaha ! yum yum ! t naa lagi tau syggg ! <3333333333333333

Thursday, November 18, 2010

didn't mean to hurt you !

why skrang baru you tell me . thought we were just friends . then ur friend said you were waiting for the perfect time to propose . im sorry my dear ! i didn't mean to hurt you :( hope you still want to be my friend :((

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

my mummy is a rock star !

mummy , you beat me ! ARGHH ! saket tau taa ! but taa pa . yeye tau yeye balik lambat time tuh . sialan! bengkak suda tangan yeye dala mummy tecakar muka yeye . sib naek mummy say sorry to me that morning and kissed muka yeye yang ada kesan cakar mummy tuh . haduyyy ~ cacat sudaaa! well i still love you though ! <333

NZ macha bengong !

ken daa kene mara , mintak milo ice laen lak dea cakap . bodo ! len kali korek telinge sebelum masuk keje . bengong ! :)

dayah ohh dayah !

kau tipu aku ken syg , cam ni en mmbe . hmm :( taa pea kau . kate mau kuar ari ni . suwo pakai baju kurung then aku tnggu sampai tetidu :(( hm , taa pea taa pea ! sib baek aku syg kau !

wonderful nightmare !

he is cute . he is perfect . he is sweet . he is handsome . he is everything that is perfect ! aww , wish you see me how i see you dump ass ! mwaahhh <33 haha ! *syokk sendiri :) why did u read my diary ! damn you ! arggghh , segan gila !


karoke :) damn it was fun ! love everything that happen that day . hm , acap and kartika was sweet <333 bodo acap bangang and bahlul ! haha , you deserve that ! :) then nizam came along . aww he was cute like hell ! hm loved that day <33333

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bistro :)

hmm , mkn dngan kaloi , irwanshah , and two other members :) today birthday kaloi laa . bkn naa babi tau! haduyyy~ kalu daa tau buleh beli something . naseb malang laa kau kaloi! well happy birthday MISTER :)

me myself :)

the reason why my nickname is CHEESECAKE is because im so obsess with cheese , i never care what people think about that name . *screw them ! i do like chocolates too ! thats why im fat :) i always laugh a lot and i do love to smile but i still dont know why they still think im snuffy , egoistic , and very overbearing ! im actually not . okay maybe a little ! but just a bit . well we must find a better friend rite ? im really a fun person if you know me more . well , dun be shy to talk ! just ask me anything . i'd love to answer your question <3
p/s : yeah i am SINGLE :D